A list of selected pet-names, arranged in approximately ascending order of average comparative age, relative to myself, of people I have addressed by that name:

[Adapted from a list first published on Facebook on 1/7/2017]

* Buddy – pretty much just babies and dogs

* Champ – default for under 10s

* Sport – occasionally used ironically for older children, pets, or people I want to annoy

* Bigman – reserved for kids in the age group where they know they are still not big, but also kinda feel big

* Lad/Lass – anyone younger than me, if I’m doing a pirate voice or a broad Scots bit

* Chuck – mostly used only in cases where Bro feels too old but Champ feels too young

* Bro/Bruh/Brah – (generally masc-presenting) friends, mostly my own age

* Milady – fem-presenting friends, mostly my own age

* Man/Bud – just-about anyone I address in real life

* Dude – just-about anyone I address on the internet

* Hun/Honey – close friends my own age, children in my care or (used ironically) male twats online old enough to know better

* Dear/Dearheart – used ironically sometimes for certain people old enough to take it

* Dawg – Millenials

* Milord – also Millenials, but skewing slightly older

* Mei-mei – to my recollection, only ever three specific people, and ironically mostly one who’s older than me

* Bella – occasionally used for friends mature enough that it wouldn’t be creepy exclusively in the phrase “ciao bella”.

* Cap’n – people who feel in some sense senior to me

* Sweetheart – mostly older male twats online, although also occasionally babies

* Loser – friends old enough to take it

* Friend/Friendo – a surprisingly scattered range, skewing older because it’s usually ironic or extremely formal

* Pal – historically my grandfather, but also (mostly younger, mostly male or masc-presenting) strangers

* Ma’am – female or fem-presenting adult strangers

* Sir – male or masc-presenting strangers over about seventy, or very stuffy-sounding voices on the phone

Published by

Calum P Cameron

Dubiously-human author. Seems to like dragons I guess.

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